How to Know You’ve Been Hacked

While the only real way to know if your WordPress site has been hacked is to examine the files on the server, I often hear common themes when people contact me to figure out what is going on with their site. I’ve compiled this list so that you can know what the...

Lessons Learned from Downtime

If you haven’t read Pat Flynn’s article, entitled So THIS is What Happens When Your Server Goes Down for a Week (link opens in new window), you should check that out first. I just wanted to introduce two more important concepts from my point of view that...

PayPal and Phishing

A reader asked: I received this message a few days ago. When I clicked on the link it started taking me through the process of filling out my name, etc… At the point when it asked for my credit card number I stopped, because it didn’t feel legit anymore. I...

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