How to Make Your Site Faster

This is a common question I’m asked – how do I make my site faster? While there are a variety of techniques that I use to help speed up a site, decreasing the image load is often the one thing that helps the most. But what does that mean, exactly? So...

Your Website is Super Slow Because …

"Why is my site so slow?" is a question I get asked a lot. It’s not always an immediate thing — sometimes a site slows down over time, or after some changes have been made. But in general, there are a few things that nearly always contribute to a...

Why Hosting Matters

I have often been asked why hosting matters for a web site. To many people, any cheap shared hosting will do. But is that the truth? Does it really not matter where you host your website? I think your choice of webhost is important — and by the end of this post,...

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