by Nikole Garcia | Jan 1, 2015 | Business |
*estimated, give or take eleventy billion Everyone always wants to make more money. They spend a lot of time online discussing how to make more money and how to grow their businesses. But what if everything you need is already right in front of you? No, seriously! And...
by Nikole Garcia | Dec 18, 2014 | Business, Web Tech |
First off, let me say this: I’m not a lawyer. I live in the US. I’m not some VAT expert. I’m not an accountant. That aside… what I am is a web developer, and I have found some practical solutions to help you navigate the VAT laws. I know a lot...
by Nikole Garcia | Oct 23, 2014 | Security, Usability, Web Tech |
We all have stuff we put off. From calling the insurance company to cleaning out your closet, I would bet there is something that you should be taking care of this week that you haven’t done. When it comes to business, however, we all know that procrastination...
by Nikole Garcia | Jun 13, 2014 | Business |
A client of mine recently purchased a software package to enable her site to have private membership areas. After trying to set up the software for three weeks with vague and limited assistance from the company, she gave up out of frustration. As she was within 30...